Strategic Reporting
- Access to actionable data is key for improving performance.
- Besides our built-in reports, organisations have access to their raw data through our API.
- We provide specialised support and consultancy to identify improvements based on the organisations’ data.

Dynamic dashboards
Get an overview of your Service or station by fully customising your own dashboards. With these you can get an overview for:
- Specific skills, or people performing specific functions
- Appliance statuses and predicted changes
- Open and pending absence or overtime requests
- and more

Appliance availability reporting
Visual reports help station managers identify if and when the station was under strength. This is a helpful tool to identify times of the week with recurring understaffing and if so which skills.

Crew availability effectiveness
Get statistics about crew availability during various periods of the week. It also gives insight into whether they are available when it counts.

Station Display
Get an overview of the station. Available crew annoncements, contract performance and more. As soon as an incident comes in, display switches to incident mode showing relevant details about the incident response.

Cover moves, booking codes, and more!
Download comprehensive reports about people on leave, sickness and other activities. Get an overview of how people move between stations to provide cover and more.