With FireServiceRota you have insight into when you are needed, and when you have the freedom to take some time off.
FireServiceRota provides real-time insight into the availability of on-call fire brigades. Always and anywhere, managers and firefighters can easily manage their duty rotas via pager, smartphone app, tablet or PC.
The on-call crew is requested to confirm their ability to respond via smartphone or (smart) pager. Arrival times and people on route are displayed at the fire station.
When on-call, firefighters receive an alert if they accidentally move too far from the station. This helps ensure they are close enough in case of an emergency.
FireServiceRota can make automatic incident reports based on the message received on the pager. Alternatively, they can be filled manually with actual data after returning to the station.
Personnel can easily change their duty status via the web, tablet, smartphone or a pager. Recurring patterns imposed by work or the responsibilities at home need to be entered only once.
FireServiceRota supports Standby duty, in which users can be allocated to a shift, but can only go off duty by finding a replacement. Perfect when working a flexible crewing pattern.
Real-time tactical view for supervisors provides insight into the resource availability of the fire station(s) under their control.
FireServiceRota can show the real-time resource availability of one or more fire stations on a single display.
Displays can be installed in fire stations, and show the expected arrival time of the confirmed crew to the fire station.
They can also be installed in an Emergency Control Center for a tactical view of a county or district.