Scheduling for On-call

  • Maximise appliance availability with flexibility and trust.
  • View real-time and predicted availability of every On-call firefighter.
  • With just two taps on their mobile, firefighters can book on, take leave, or provide (extra) cover.
  • Plus, alert them to incidents directly through the app (backup alerting).

Easily manage availability

Allow all on-call personnel to easily access and manage their availability to a 15-minute granularity through different channels, such as web, mobile apps and smart pagers.

Understaffing warnings

Warn the users when they are about to cause crewing shortages (take the pump off the run) by becoming unavailable.

Live feed with Command & Control

Connect with Fire Control software to feed the live availability status of the emergency vehicles.


Automatically warn firefighters when they are on-call and move too far away from the station.

Track critical crew availability

Monitor and analyze individual crew member availability hours to identify critical personnel and understand their impact on overall appliance readiness.


FireServiceRota - deltidsbrandmænd

At optimere bemandingen af stationer med deltids- og frivillige brandmænd er et puslespil, når du samtidigt skal sikre dig, at brandfolk også får familieliv og arbejde til at hænge sammen med det jobbet som brandmand. Læs om FireServiceRota, der er et uundværligt vagtplanlægningssystem for brandmænd.

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How do you ensure readiness of your volunteer firefighters?

Find out a powerful and flexible tool to ensure a full crew of volunteer (on-call) firefighters.

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Full-time Duty planning with FireServiceRota

Learn how FireServiceRota streamlines integration of full-time and on-call fire stations to ensure flexibility and resilience

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Buyer's guide to availability software for firefighters

This helpful guide will allow you to identify the most important features of flexible and powerful availability software for firefighters.

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