Scheduling for Wholetime

  • Enable resource managers to proactively address and prevent understaffing issues.
  • Streamline multiple workflows, reducing administrative burdens and offer on-duty crews greater flexibility.
  • Through flexible rostering, efficiently allocate crew members and minimise overtime costs by adjusting staffing levels as needed.

Support different duty systems

Support for different duty systems, including 2-2-4, three-shift (Metropolitan), and 5-watch shifts, among others

Contract performance

Easy overview of contractual targets and leave balances, TOIL, sickness, etc.

Streamline overtime process

Easily identify crews suitable for overtime and an automated request-and-approval workflows for requesting them to work overtime

Working Time Directive

Streamline scheduling and automate compliance checks to ensure crews adhere to Working Time Directives, minimizing risk and simplifying administration.


FireServiceRota - deltidsbrandmænd

At optimere bemandingen af stationer med deltids- og frivillige brandmænd er et puslespil, når du samtidigt skal sikre dig, at brandfolk også får familieliv og arbejde til at hænge sammen med det jobbet som brandmand. Læs om FireServiceRota, der er et uundværligt vagtplanlægningssystem for brandmænd.

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How do you ensure readiness of your volunteer firefighters?

Find out a powerful and flexible tool to ensure a full crew of volunteer (on-call) firefighters.

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Full-time Duty planning with FireServiceRota

Learn how FireServiceRota streamlines integration of full-time and on-call fire stations to ensure flexibility and resilience

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Buyer's guide to availability software for firefighters

This helpful guide will allow you to identify the most important features of flexible and powerful availability software for firefighters.

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