Disclaimer FireServiceRota


The terms of this disclaimer are applicable to the website(s) operated by the limited liability company incorporated under Dutch law (besloten vennootschap) FireServiceRota B.V. (hereinafter: FireServiceRota) linked to the FireServiceRota.com internet address, or any of its sub-domain names.


‍FireServiceRota tries to observe the greatest degree of due care at all times when building and designing its website(s), but this does not mean that it guarantees that the information provided on such website(s) is always correct, up-to-date or complete. The user must therefore verify the functionality, product properties and correct operation during the trial period and before deciding to make a purchase.

The website(s) may offer hyperlinks to websites and other sources of information made available and maintained by third parties. The fact that hyperlinks are offered on FireServiceRota website(s) does not mean that it can recommend the goods or services offered via such links.

Electronic communications

You can access FireServiceRota in various ways, now and in the future, for example via the website(s), smartphone app and by email. Such electronic communications are however never 100% safe, so that sending sensitive or confidential information to FireServiceRota unencrypted via the open internet entails that a user accepts the risk that this information could fall into the hands of third parties.


FireServiceRota, its affiliates and/or its employees are not liable for any damage caused as a result of the use, careless or incorrect use of the information, the scope which the website(s) themselves offer, the use of the website(s) themselves, or any inaccurate or incomplete information or applications FireServiceRota makes available, unless there is question of willful intent or deliberate recklessness.

FireServiceRota is not liable for any damage caused as a result of problems caused by or inherent to the distribution of information via the internet, including but not restricted to breakdowns, the unavailability, temporary or otherwise, of the website(s) or for delays in providing or receiving information. The use of the website(s) is therefore completely for the user’s own risk.

FireServiceRota is not liable if the information on the website(s) infringes on the copyrights and/or other intellectual property rights of third parties.

FireServiceRota does not warrant that electronic messages such as email will be received and processed in good time and accepts no liability for any damage caused as a result of such a failure.

FireServiceRota has no control over the contents or the information on the website(s) and other sources of information on third parties offered on its website(s) via hyperlinks and does not warrant the accuracy and completeness thereof. These hyperlinks can be used for the user’s own account and risk in conformity with the terms and conditions laid down for the use of those website(s).


FireServiceRota is authorised to supplement and, if necessary, amend the information on the website(s) at any time and without giving any prior notice.

Intellectual property rights

FireServiceRota explicitly reserves its intellectual property rights and those of its licensors in respect of all the information and/or the other copyrighted works on the website(s). Users require the prior written permission of FireServiceRota for the use of the above, in the widest sense of the words. Please address any requests to this effect to FireServiceRota by email. An electronic message will also be deemed to be written permission.

The word marks and logos used and displayed on this website are the registered or non-registered trade marks of FireServiceRota or third parties and may not be used without the prior written permission of the holder of those marks.

Applicable law

The website(s) and the present disclaimer are subject to the laws of the Netherlands, and any disputes arising therefrom will be submitted exclusively to the court with jurisdiction in the Netherlands.

FireServiceRota - deltidsbrandmænd

At optimere bemandingen af stationer med deltids- og frivillige brandmænd er et puslespil, når du samtidigt skal sikre dig, at brandfolk også får familieliv og arbejde til at hænge sammen med det jobbet som brandmand. Læs om FireServiceRota, der er et uundværligt vagtplanlægningssystem for brandmænd.

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How do you ensure readiness of your volunteer firefighters?

Find out a powerful and flexible tool to ensure a full crew of volunteer (on-call) firefighters.

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Full-time Duty planning with FireServiceRota

Learn how FireServiceRota streamlines integration of full-time and on-call fire stations to ensure flexibility and resilience

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Buyer's guide to availability software for firefighters

This helpful guide will allow you to identify the most important features of flexible and powerful availability software for firefighters.

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