
Innovative Flexible Dashboard Module for Fire and Rescue Services

Dashboards help you monitor performance metrics in real-time by providing an at-a-glance view of pertinent data in a way that allows taking action.

Tackling challenges faced by Resource Managers

Since resource allocation and utilization requires a huge effort, Fire and Rescue Services should be able to rely on adequate software, not spreadsheets to document the use and status of staff and appliances.

FireServiceRota Provides Easy Integration To Your Fire And Rescue’s Payroll System

FireServiceRota has come up with a powerful integration that allows Station Managers to export every detail of relevant information to their Payroll System, regardless of how complex the payroll rules might be.

Balancing budget and contract performance in Fire and Rescue Services

Flexibility is the key to go beyond complying with contract requirements toward achieving better performance and increasing the quality of service to the public

From compliance to performance: An in depth look into booking codes

Complex business rules: staffing models, staffing changes, budget constraints, reporting and integration to payroll systems have become pressing issues that demand innovative solutions

To pick your own shifts - Reaching a new level of flexibility in fire stations

As the need for efficiency grows, Fire and Rescue Services look to adopt new scheduling models that allow them to provide top quality service to the public and optimise crewing and financial performance.

Achieving optimal crewing levels is a matter of balance

For Fire Authorities, optimising resources has become a mix of art and science that demands proper planning for performance and resilience.

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